The submission portal is now open for abstracts. Below, you can find the important dates, submission guideline and portal, as well as the technical topics.
• Abstracts should be a maximum of 250 words in length
• Abstracts are needed to be submitted through the submission portal within the conference website.
• It will be a requirement for all presenting authors to provide a full presentation for the conference proceedings.
All authors will present their papers in English, about 20 minutes will be allotted for each paper. At least One author Is required to register for the conference by the early bird registration deadline. Authors should submit a one-page~ 250- words abstract (text only) by April 30, 2024. Following abstract acceptance, authors will be asked to submit full presentation (a full papers is not required) and short note (100words) biography.
NOTE: Copywrite in papers submitted to a CNS conference remains with the author, but the CNS may freely reproduce the papers in print, electronic or other forms. The CNS retains a royalty- free right to charge fees for such material as it sees fit.
Call for Abstract Flyer
Download the Call for Abstract Flyer by clicking on the button below.