Addressing end of commercial operation challenges and emerging issues often require innovative and multidisciplinary solutions that involve elements of engineering from: materials, chemistry, stress analysis, thermal-hydraulic analysis, probabilistic assessment methods, examination and inspection approaches, and operational strategies. This is the case for most major nuclear plant systems and components, regardless of reactor type.The focus for the MCFD-2024Conference is on the challenges, innovations, and experiencesencountered when addressing issues of chemistry, materials, or fitness-for-service innuclear power plants.
The3rd International Conference of MATERIALS, CHEMISTRY AND FITNESS-FOR-SERVICE SOLUTIONS for Nuclear Systems (MCFD 2024) will be of interest to representatives from various sectors of the nuclear industry including: material and equipment vendors, technical and engineering service providers, utility technical staff, regulators, designers, researchers, students, and academia.
Brought to you by The CNS – Materials, Chemistry & Fitness-for-service Division (MCFD)
Sharing technical engineering solutions in support of long-term operation, refurbishment of major components, and newbuilds
Mark Knutson is the Chief Enterprise Engineer, Chief Nuclear Engineer and the Senior Vice President of Enterprise Engineering for Ontario Power Generation. OPG is located in Ontario, Canada and is a major generator of electricity with a fleet of 10 nuclear reactors, 66 hydro stations, 2 thermal stations and a solar energy station. This position leads an engineering organization of over 1400 personnel to provide design, system, component and inspection expertise for OPG. OPG is supported by his leadership in many significant projects such as refurbishing four nuclear reactors at the Darlington Station to extend the Station’s operation an additional 35 years and preparing to build a new reactor at the Darlington site.
Dr. Stephen Bushby is currently the Vice-President of Science and Technology for Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL). He rejoined CNL in February 2024 after more than 30 years in the nuclear industry, where he has held several technical and management positions at both AECL and CNL. These have included: Vice-President (Acting) of Science and Technology and Commercial Oversight; Senior Director of Science and Technology; Director of the Advanced Reactor Development program; Program Director of Canada’s Generation IV program; Director of the Reactor Safety Division; General Manager of Capital Projects and the Isotope Supply Reliability Program; and, General Manager of Strategic Planning and Operational Research. In these roles Steve has worked extensively with industry, government, national laboratories and international organizations on a range of topics including development and licensing of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), research reactors, medical isotope production, reactor ageing and licensing, and development of the Advanced CANDU Reactor (ACR). During his tenure, Steve also spent 2.5 years on Executive Interchange with Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) – the federal department responsible for nuclear energy in Canada. Following his retirement from AECL in 2022, Steve held the position of Chief Nuclear Officer for Portland Holdings, an investment company making substantial investments into SMRs, related clean-energy technologies, as well as targeted radiotherapies.
Components of interest
Steam generator tubing
CANDU fuel channels
PWR plant components
BWR plant components
Steam cycle components, chemistry, and systems
Major heat exchangers
SMR components
Abstracts TOPICS
OPEX and lessons learned from recent plant activities
Case studies
FFS programs, plans, and achievements
Materials factors in issue resolution
Chemistry factors in issue resolution
Regulatory perspectives
Application of codes and standards
Developments in probabilistic assessments
Analytical tools
Novel or innovative solutions
Meeting the challenges of emerging issues
Major Component Replacement
New Plant Construction
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Chalk River, Ontario